Q 01 Why did Jesus die?
Was it to pay our sin debt? Why did God require a blood sacrifice?
Was it to pay our sin debt? Why did God require a blood sacrifice?
When God's son was hanging on the cross to die, he cried out to his father saying, my god my god why have you forsaken me? Did, at that moment, God forsake his son so that he could create the experience, as a picture, so I can tap into and dive into my experience of my own life, of being abandoned!! Also, was it for his son to know and experience the depth of what humanity is carrying in the heart?
What is the Biblical definition of spirit? What is Holy Spirit and how do I get it?
Christ was asked several times in the gospels, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Is turning from the apostasy we were raised in enough to obtain eternal life? IOW, is believing the truth enough? Looking at it from another angle, if Christ didn't die to pay my penalty so I can go to heaven, how do I get there?
How can God be just and say he is love when he allowed Satan to tempt Adam & Eve and then demanded a human sacrifice to forgive mankind? That doesn't sound like love. It sounds more like entrapment. Demanding a human sacrifice seems pagan.
Please explain Hebrews 4:12.
Please explain Isa 45:7. Why/how did God create evil ?
Looking at Lu 2:52 and Paul's admonition in Philippians 2:12, did Christ have an advantage over us in his spiritual walk with the Father since he actually was the Son of God before Bethlehem or did he have to work out his salvation (with fear & trembling) like we do?
How do we integrate the definition of 'angel' being 'messenger' into Jacob's experience i.e. Jacob's ladder (Gen 28:12)? IOW what is the accurate interpretation of his dream?
The cross gives us victory over the world. So, how do we define the world?
Does God make a record of sin?
What is the meaning of atonement?